Friday, November 25, 2011

Little Freshman dating Big Senior

When you're a freshman girl and you are asked out by a senior boy you think you are hot stuff. Even if the guy is an absolute loser who you've known for less than a week. Of course the fact that your family won't like it Just makes him seem even more appealing because you have yet to figure out that sometimes your family Just might know what they're talking about.
Jason was a senior when I was a freshman and a bit of what you might call a creep. He would randomly play guitar in the cafeteria and be extremely touchy with whoever he was talking to. He had blond hair fashionably styled into a bowl cut and pushed his chest out and his stomach in to make himself look tough and muscular when he really was neither. This bored, angry look was stuck on his face while he walked around school; because he was "too cool". Being the naive freshman I was, I bought completely into him. To me, he really was "too cool".
We met on a Monday afternoon in the cafeteria through a few mutual friends and flirted everyday that week during lunch. I found out that we had almost identical tastes in music and I was gone. Jason asking me out was the equivalent of a sixth grader asking me out; there was no actual date we Just kind of decided to be "dating" after barely a week of knowing each other.
"So do you want to go out or something sometime?" He asked me.
"Yeah, sure." I said in my flirty, giggly voice.
"Um... So we are like dating? " I really should have Just said no at this but like I said, I was gone.
"Um I don't know..." A near by friend told us that we were so I gave him a hug. Later that night was when things started to really unfold.
Mom and I were driving home from grandmothers house when I told her. "Mom, I... I have a boyfriend... today."
My mom laughed a little at me, "Just for today?"
I started to laugh at myself, too. "Oh... well you know what I mean.. he asked me out today."
She remained nonchalant and not even really caring, I almost thought I might get a way with this for a minute. "What's his name?"
"Jason." please do not ask me how old he is... I thought.
"Oh, how old is he?" Of course she asked how old he is.
"Um, seventeen." This was a complete lie, he was eighteen, not seventeen. I was only fourteen.
"Oh," there was only slight concern in her voice at this point, "he's a ....junior?"
I thought about lying and saying yes but my older brother knew Jason and knew he was a senior and would not hesitate to narc me out. "No... he's a senior."
"NOOO!" She screamed the word. I swear the cars around us heard her.
"But mooom!!" I had to raise my voice to compete with her raised voice.
"You are NOT dating a senior!!"
"But mom I like him!" This really was my only defense.
She didn't respond immediately. After a very awkward pause, she asked "Does James know him?"
James was my older brother, "Yeah, he does." I really wasn't sure if this was going to help me or hurt me. This rest of the car ride home was silent.
When I got home James and his best friend Kyle were upstairs and my dad had left town for work. I knew if I didn't tell them about jason they would just find out from someone at school. I went upstairs and leaned in the door way of James room, "I just thought I'd let you guys know that im dating Jason Smith." The immediate responce was a loud burst of laughter, but as the weekend went on they stopped finding it funny.
The next morning James had gone to work early and kyle and mom were both down stairs. Kyle of course greeted me with , "I can't beleive you think you're dating Jason Smith."
"I am dating Jason Smith," I corrected him with an attitude.
"NO YOU ARE NOT!" He argued loudly.
Mom told us to be quiet from the laundrey room. Just then James's other friend Drew walked in.
"Hey Drew guess who Megan thinks she's dating?" Kyle said.
"Oh yeah, stop talking to smith." Apparently Drew already heard about the news. It's amazing how quickly news spreads through a small high school. "Does Bill know?" Drew went onto ask, of course refering to my dad by his first name.
"No, he's out of town." Mom answered.
"I'll tell him when he comes back on Monday," I said in a sad attempt to some how defend myself.
"I'm going to call him and tell him now!" Kyle decided.
At this statement, Mom intervened, "Kyle just wait until he gets back."
But it was too late, Kyle was already on the phone calling my dad. "Bill your daughter thinks she's dating a senior!" He lost connection after his anouncement, but received a text from dad immediattely after the call was dropped. It said, whats going on there?
This was the basic pattern of the whole weekend. The conversation continued to circle around to the fact that I "thought" I was dating a senior and how everyone who was even remotely in my life didn't like it.
Everyone kept saying how there were pleanty of other boys for me to date.
"But I don't WANT to date anyone else! I like Jason!" I would argue to no end.
"But honey, you don't know if you like him. You don't even know this kid!" Mom would argue back.
Drews arguement was little bit different than moms, "He grabbed her butt in school!!"
Mom looked at me with wide eyes.
"No he didn't!" I would argue back at Drew.
"Yes he did!" Drew defended himself, "I saw it!"
Then my grandmother came over sunday afternoon. Of course they had to fill her in on exactly what was happening. And of course she had to side with everyoneelse. "Now, Megan, honey, there are plenty of freshmen you could date. Or sophmores. Or even a junior."
To this I just replyed with, "Nana you don't even know!"
Sunday night was when I realized there was no way I could date this guy. James's friend Julie texted me and instead of telling me I needed to break up with him because dating him was wrong she simply just made me realize that a dating an eighteen year old who I had know for a week and at only fourteen was maybe not my brightest idea. The one thing that she told me that really made me think was when she said; I just you are so young and have pleanty of time to date and shouldn't rush into anything. That, I'll admit, rather cliche line plus the fact that I knew Jason and I would never be able to have a second alone together with out my parents, my brother, or any of my brothers friends breatheing down our necks and out of fear of being locked in a tower forever, I decided I had to break up with him.
I had kept Jason updated on what was happening at the house all weekend. When I walked into the cafeteria on Monday at lunch he was sitting alone at one of the tables near the wall. He knew what was about to happen. I awkwardly walked up to him. "I... can't date you."
He seemed kind of understanding, "I know."
"I'm really sorry," and I really was sorry at the time.
He smiled understandingly, "Don't worry about it."
Later that day I found out that I after I had left the cafeteria he angrily went up to my friend and asked, using profanity, why I had done that. My friend explained to him how none of my family would let me date him and that I felt uncomfortable being a freshman dating a senior. He then expressed, once again useing profanity, that he didn't care what my family thought and that I had, after a week of knowing him, broke his heart.
Now that I think about it I'm glad I didn't actually date him. What I'm not so glad about is how my brother nor any of his friends will let me forget about that time I dated "that weird senior with a bowl cut."

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